Friday, November 30, 2007
Ross, E. (2007, May). The discourse of dissatisfaction: Exploring women's body experiences using pictures and words. Presented at Inter-Actions: Emerging Voices. Transforming visions of feminism. University of Windsor, Windsor, ON.
Ross, E. (2007, June). Disruption and disembodiment: Challenges, blocks, and barriers in helping women to overcome body dissatisfaction and develop positive body esteem. Presented at Dialogue with the Body in Clinical Practice: The 4th Critical Multicultural Counselling and Psychotherapy Conference. OISE/UT, Toronto, ON.
Sunday, May 13, 2007
My first Mother's Day
The weird thing though, was being in the malls this week and seeing all the Mother's Day stuff and thinking that I'm the one that's supposed to like these things. Boxed sets of bath gels and powders, low quality diamond jewelry, gift certificates for manicures. All I could think was "Gak, there's few things I want less than that!" Plus, some of the advertising pissed me off. There was one ad that read "For my mother, your selflessness is inspiring." Um what? I don't want my son to see me as selfless or to emulate selflessness. I want him to see my as self-ful, someone who was able to care for others and herself, not instead of herself. I want him to see me as someone with a strong sense of self, not a self-sacrificing, identity-less mother.
But I will take the pretty flowers.
Sunday, May 06, 2007
And my brain is jelly. I'm trying to get on the dissertation train but the most intellectually robust thing I've said lately is, "That's right Ben, get those fartsies out." I don't think they'll give me a degree for that. lol
But that said, life is pretty good these days. The weather is awesome. We go for walks and lounge in the backyard. We even braved the streetcar and went shopping along Queen St. W. the other day. Very big deal for me as I've been afraid of the stroller/streetcar sitch for a while. And Ben is just so cute these days. He loves us and reaches out for us and interacts and loves to roughhouse. It's just awesome. But hard to blog about. You just kind of have to see it.
Monday, April 23, 2007
Nothing to report
Anyway, here's a recent pic. I'll try to write something more chipper soon.

Thursday, April 05, 2007
My commentary on the commentary on Alanis's commentary
First we have the people who love Fergie and/or don’t understand the concept of a parody. Interestingly, many of these people posted over and over again (move on people, move on).
agcc90 (5 hours ago)
SHIT SHIT SHITplease dont hear this video watch my humps(BEP), london bridge, fergalicious, glamorous, big girls dont cryPLEASEEE
movkit (6 hours ago)
It's funny because Alanis is a horse faced fugly woman with no body to speak of. She is fugly and old. Her voice is like a nasal sounding wanna be folk singer.She tried to be the sexy artist and didn't sell.Fergie has what she wants - A career and attention, an a man. Alanis is a jealous bitter ugly old hag whose career is over after she can't be sexy when she did try it. Loser.
Then there are those who hate the video because it fails to reach their standards of obscurity.
mremeet (6 hours ago)
Lets face it people, musisians are flaky self aborbed pretencious people i dont enjoy either styles fergies is crap but alongface moreorless is equally self absorbed in an artsy fartsy depressing kind of way if i want to listen to good music i search for obscurity because most musicians that become really famous are generic watered down music for everyone bands which usaully equates to crap
The people who like Alanis but seemed to have missed the point.
luve4 (2 hours ago)
oh my god!!!Alanis has hit bottom...She's copying Fergie so someone will notice that she exists...I want the "You Oughta know age back..Poor Alanisp.s. i do agree that this video i far from funny[sorry]
yankeesgrl2452 (2 hours ago)
this is INCREDIBLE.the song sounds extremely depresssing but then the video is like..grinding and sex so its a little weird but i love it haha
Those who love the video and have offered us their analysis of its meaning and purpose.
aerialrose (2 hours ago)
Haha! Thank you for pointing out the assinine lyrics and tearing up the suburban wanna-be ghetto "Bootylicious" crowd. Shallow, meaningless, diva bubble gum pop has been a plague on this nation's radios for far too long. Thank you for exposing the useless, brainless bimbos for what they are. How about we get the DJs to start playing some real music, with lyrical depth and harmony now? Something that would transcend sell-out sex/glitter/bling-bling marketing? You have my support. =)
kitkatmonk (1 hour ago)
only a Canadian could see through the morass of endemic American consumerism and make it funny.... brilliant and sad at the same time.
GhuqueYou (6 hours ago)
This just couldn't be any more f'ing great. It is so fantastic to see someone ripping that ridiculous f'ing song and those ridiculous people who insist on pushing such crap on the world. I just can't believe the wanton stupidity in people who swallow that Fergie-esque shite.
Finally, there are those who love George Bush
fruticetum (2 days ago)
I think George Bush is probably one of the top five presidents. He has won two wars, he's erased the Clinton deficit, and nominated excellent conservative Supreme Court Justices. He's bringing democracy to Iraq, and has held to his principles regardless of political ramifications. That spells 'leader' to me.
Monday, March 26, 2007
Mmmm.... cake...
***You Are a Marble Cake***
Eclectic, inventive, and peaceful.
You are never willing to accept what's "normal." You live to push the envelope.
You find it hard to make up your mind. You prefer to have everything you want, right away
This pleases me for two reasons - one I like the description. It does sound a lot like me, except for maybe the part about pushing the envelope. I'm not that much of a risk taker. But everything else is me, especially prefering to have everything I want, right away!
The other thing that pleases me about this is that marble cake is my favourite cake! Especially marble cake with chocolate frosting. Mmmm.... frosting....
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Crazy days

The other big thing is that we've taken Ben out of the swing. He's been sleeping in it for naps and overnight since he's reflux started in December. Last night, we put him to bed in his crib for the first time. And he wasn't too happy about it. We both cried a lot and then he spent half the night with me and half the night in the crib. Ah well, it's a process!
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
For mom, so I don't forget

Sunday, March 11, 2007
When free shit is just free shit
Sometimes this works in my favour. I have received very useful things such as flashlights, pens, post-its, and tape. Sometimes, however, the items are not as desirable. For about 15 years, he has been trying convince me and my sisters that the commemorative artwork best suited for a medical office lobby would look really great in our living rooms.
But the most common recipient of his hand-me-down winnings is my lovely husband Mark. Now there have been some occasions in the past where Mark has benefited quite nicely from his status as the sole son-in-law. For example, he got a cool BMW t-shirt that he really liked. Other times, he hasn't made out so well. Behold the maroon rainsuit:

Sometimes even free isn't worth it.
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Jordan + Ben = Too much cheek to be believed!
Now Ben has very little interest in other babies so he wasn't terribly impressed about the playdate but overall did very well in tolerating Jordan's present and even managed a few smiles for the girls. Which was nice as he's been a cranky pants lately. But the real fun was watching Jordan try out some of Ben's toys. The exersaucer wasn't so much of a hit - largely a lot of slumping and staring - but the Jolly Jumper, well, watch out! He was definitely digging it, which was awesome. And while Mel and Heather laughed at Ben in the jumper they really laughed at Jordan in the jumper. Because there is just nothing funnier than your own kid in a Jolly Jumper. It warms my heart to know it was invented by a Canadian.
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
4 months old
Healthy heart

At Ben's ultrasound in November, I had been very sleep deprived, very emotional, and very worried about Ben so I cried the whole way through. At this one, I was pretty sure he was okay - he's so healthy looking and thriving - so I wasn't nearly so upset. I watched a bit of the ultrasound and it brought me back to that first ultrasound when I was 7 weeks pregnant and all we could see was a tiny grey blob with a flickering centre - his tiny little beating heart. Amazing to think that was just over a year ago. In fact it was in February that we found out we were pregnant. My how things can change in a year!
BTW, I love this picture - his little hands are flying so fast they're a blur!
Friday, February 02, 2007
Ben and his mobile
Jolly Jumpin'
Monday, January 29, 2007
Wireless drama
As part of the move, I've been excited to set up wireless internet in our new place. Being in a highrise on the 20th floor, there was too much signal congestion at our old place. But ack, what a headache. Largely because of stupid Bell. They always seem to suck so much. I've been on the phone with the help desk on and off all week and each time there advice is less helpful than the last. They don't seem to understand that I want a wireless connection and keep making all these fixes that require the computer is hardwired to the modem. Which doesn't work as there is no phone jack near my desk in this place and there are only a few ways to arrange the furniture here, none of which bring the desk any closer to the phone jack. Anyway, I finally stopped listening and muddled around myself and think I have it figured out. We shall see.
The place, however, is awesome. Buddy is loving it too. He has a backyard which is small but big enough for a game of fetch and squirrel watching. And he can sit in front of the back window all he wants and gaze out. Plus there are now two levels to our little home which means he can get away from Ben if he wants to. Poor Buddy was so excited when we moved in. Ben spent the day at my sister's and didn't come home until 9:00. I think Buddy had thought we were leaving Ben behind. He ran around all happy and crazy and then when Ben arrived he sulked off to his dog bed and stared at us with hound dog eyes for the next day and a half. I tell you, it's a tough life for a dog! :)
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Smiling Ben
Saturday, January 06, 2007
New Year, New Look
I love the photos in the sidebar. I know that it's not a very good picture of me but I have very few pictures of me in which I don't have a giant head, terrible skin, or a stupid expression on my face. But to make up for it, I've put a fantastic picture of Mark with Ben where Ben's Buddha belly is fully on display and an ever so cute shot of Ben on his playmat.
And I've included links to some of my favourite websites as well as my sister's blog, Everything Is A Spoon. Check it out. I feel so blog powerful, as if I can now share my vast wealth of internet knowledge with you all. God bless the point and click interface system (see that, "interface system", someone who knew about computers would not use those words. I hang my head in techno-idiot shame.)
New year, same vices
I'm usually all about resolutions this time of year. I love the fresh start of January. I like to get all of my Christmas decorations away by January 2 and feel the newness of the year, the blank slate. Cheezy, I know, but I dig it. This year, however, time has lost all meaning and I'm not quite getting my fresh start feelings. Which might explain why I've been on a bit of a spending binge. Not huge. But I bought a couple of cd's for Ben (Sharon Lois and Bram), yet another book on infant sleep despite the fact that the last 5 I've bought haven't enabled me to make Ben sleep through the night, new baby gear, and I've even put in a ridiculously high bid on one of my favourite childhood toys on ebay. Oh, and I'm trying to pick out which video editing software I want to buy.
Now in fairness to me, some of these things were purchased with gift certificates but still, it's not good. I am, to say the least, a self-soothing shopper and this latest jag is all a by-product of the adjustment to my new life as a parent. But dear lord. I's just not good. Not good at all. But I do really really want that toy. I'll find out tomorrow if my bid has stood up or not. It would probably be best if it didn't but oh I hope it did!