Mom, I'm posting this here so I won't forget to show you. I found it on a craft site - it's a way to hang your fabrics as art. I think it would be cool in your new sewing room. Plus it would be super easy to swap out the fabrics seasonally or as the mood strikes. You're in Las Vegas right now, otherwise I would just email you and tell you to check your email (and how to open attachments...) :)
Haha, that's such a backhanded diss on Mom. It's true though. If you email Mom, then you have to call her and tell her to check her email. Worth it though cause this is an awesome decorating idea!
P.S. Mom is gonna read this and be mad at me.
I think your safe. Mom doesn't read our blogs unless I tell her to. I even bookmarked them for her but then she forgot how to use bookmarks. Plus, I don't think she knows how to look at comments. There'd be a lot for her to figure out before we'd get in trouble! lol Sweet Mommy!
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