So this ad has been all over the subway stations for a month and it's been bothering me and I haven't been sure just why. Well actually, it didn't bother me right away. I like the design guys, Chris and Steve. They're funny. Their show is enjoyable. And I like the pink dress featured in this ad. It did bother me somewhat that interior decorators can just magically be fashion designers but whatever. But after seeing this ad, day after day (I see it at least 6 or 7 times a day), it began to eat away at me. And I finally figured out what it is. There are no women in the ad. Just stupid headless mannequins. The actual women they are helping dress for events apparently aren't that important. They're just inanimate objects for Steve and Chris to decorate, just like walls and couches and corners that need plants. Why let their presence detract from the true stars of the show?
Now I know some of you probably think I'm going too far with this one. After all, compared with Julie's story, this is a feminist's dream. But I'm just tired of advertising that features women as interchangeable objects of convenience. I'm tired of seeing body parts instead of whole people. I'm tired of seeing women's personalities and minds left out of the picture. And I do kind of have a hate-on for fashion trends but that's a whole other rant. And I'm disappointed because Chris and Steve seem like nice, reasonable men on their show.
The last thing I will say is that I find Life Network's advertising over the last year to be extremely offensive. Some of you may remember the ads for "The Next Top Model" that were out last year that pictured women from the back, in thongs and heels, with one of the women pinching another one's ass. I think it was supposed to make her lose her poise or something, I'm not quite sure. Anyway, Life Network gets my "Loser Award" for today for it's shitty advertising. Especially considering most of their viewers are women. I mean, really, WTF?

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