So this Monday and Tuesday were the Westminster Dog Show in New York City. A German Short-Haired Pointer named Karlee won - very lovely looking dog. I myself was rooting for either the Great Pyranese (the white dog above - not this exact one, but that's the breed), or the little Norfolk Terrier to take the title but alas, they did not. Not that I know anything about judging dogs against the standard - I'm all about cuteness and personality. The little terrier took twice as long to make it down only half the ring as the other dogs did to do the whole ring - little short legs and all, very cute.
It was also a very nice media experience. I was not feeling well over the past week and found TV a little too much. I've noticed lately as I've been struggling with high stress levels that TV is much too stimulating. Too much colour, blaring sound, whizzing graphics, and super-rapid cuts. It aggravates my headaches and has actually been making me feel nauseous lately. It was nice to watch a low-key show - wide green ring, long shots with minimum detail in the frame, and two commentators conversing - conversing, not arguing, shouting, or swearing - at a nice medium tone of voice. I wish more programming would just take it down a peg to a more digestible pace of viewing. Plus, you know, dogs. Who doesn't love it?
Speaking of dogs, our Buddy was very naughty this weekend and has lost his off-leash privileges for quite a while. He took off on me for a full hour, running through the woods. Every now and then he would drift into sight, looking straight at me and turn and run in the other direction. And he had lost one of his boots (he wears them to protect against salt). I'd see him streak by in the distance with only three boots and be so mad. When I finally got a hold of him and tracked down the boot, I was far too angry to put it back on him (it's a bit of a process) so instead decided to avoid salt as much as possible on the way home. So here I was so angry, covered in twigs and scratches from chasing him through the bush, trying not to take it out on him (he has no idea why I'm mad, dogs have a 5 sec memory for understanding actions and consequences) and every minute or so someone stops me - "Do you know your dog is missing a boot?" Finally I resorted to carrying the boot in clear view in front of me so in order to avoid me completely snapping at some well-intentioned elderly man.
Anyway, our dog, clearly not as well-trained as a show dog. The next day Mark "took him to boot camp" and was super strict with him. Buddy was so upset - he sulked all day. But don't worry, we all made up and are now getting along fine. But with a leash when outside. Always. No matter what.
Westminster - yeah!

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