Okay, granted I am not the target audience, but WTF with this ad? "I have gone stalking international crime lords. I have crept through the waters off shore of the Caribbean Island where they are hiding out. I have safely secured my gun. For this mission, I have chosen a white t-shirt and no bra." I mean for real, you can hardly even see the holster this ad is apparently promoting. Lame. Besides which, call me crazy, but I think I fully dressed woman striding out of of the waters is probably noticeable. If she was really trying to be stealth, wouldn't she at least be crouched down a little lower? Or how about swimming under the water? Oh, my bad. Then we wouldn't be able to see her boobs. And that is far more important than oh, an ad that makes sense or actually demonstrates the effectiveness or value of its product. Not to mention they've taken a woman who is (presumably) in a position of some power and authority and reduced her to a sex object and linked her sex with violence. Lovely.

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