Friday, April 28, 2006

Trash talkin' comes back to bite my ass

So for the last few years I've been trash talking one of my professors. There has been plenty to complain about - she hides from her students (literally, leaves the scene if she sees them coming), never returns phone calls or messages even from her thesis students, doesn't seem to actually teach any classes, and most recently kept a bunch of exams for over a year - they were marked, she just "forgot" to give them back. I pretty much stand by my trash talking - I mean if you don't want to teach, talk to students, or attend to school administrative tasks, don't be a professor. If you're going to take the salary, then do your job.

Alas, my thesis supervisor has recently suggested this person should maybe be on my thesis committee. Ack! Now, I can only assume that the fact that my supervisor thinks this means that my trash talking is not general knowledge among the faculty. However, since some of my trash talking involved actually complaining to the department chair about this person, I can't really be sure.

You may think that the moral here is don't trash talk people but the real moral is don't get involved with departmental politics. I only complained about this woman because I was embroiled in some drama about inappropriate faculty behaviour and frankly, the whole thing was so disheartening, I just gave up and promised myself to never again try to create change within my department. Better just to graduate and get out and get on with my life. I'll tell you, my school really does wonders in terms of tempering my cynical streak. lol

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