So yesterday, my sisters and I completed our yearly good deed - the Bell Walk for Kids in support of Kids Help Phone. This year I kicked ass by raising the most money (thanks Theresa, Mae, and Cor!) and got a gift t-shirt as a reward. But let me tell you, we worked for our sponsored dollars this year. Due to poor signage we, and half of the other walkers, completely missed the 2.5 km checkpoint where we were supposed to turn around for the 5 km charity WALK and walked all the way to the 5km checkpoint that the 10 km RUNNERS use. 10k! I would feel bad for myself but others were doing it hauling wagons of kids or wearing babies on their backs. Fortunately, it was a beautiful day and I had good company (after all, the Falcons is the team for people who are cool), so it was an enjoyable walk anyway.
And fortunately, my first trimester fatigue is well and truly passed. Three or four weeks ago, I wouldn't have been able to walk 2km without lying down for a long nap in the dirt. However, yesterday I was able to troop like a champ. Though my butt did get sore. It's been an interesting part of pregnancy that my hips and side butt muscles tire out much more quickly than before. By the 9th k, my butt was aching. But I persevered, such is my dedication to the children. Other, non-pregnant people, turned around before hitting the checkpoint. Not so dedicated....
And this year, the organizers figured out the treat situation. Last year, they didn't have enough treats so only the first third of the walkers got incentive mini chocolate bars en route. This year, lest my team be disappointed, I took it upon myself to bring a secret stash of treats that I would surprise my sisters with when the Bell Walk came up short. Alas, they did not come up short. There were piles and piles of left over treats. I didn't need any of my extra treats, so now they're just sitting around my house like the day after Halloween, taunting me with their chocolatey goodness.
My teammates also kicked ass, despite the fact that Jill did not dress properly for such a strenuous athletic event and lacked a backpack of the proper size. They set a brisk stride and were not deterred by the extra kms. Kelly suffered through with a blister that set in by the 2nd k and braved very scary porta-potties. Despite these hardships, she enjoyed it so much that she announced her desire to walk a half-marathon. I however, will not be joining her. If I walked more than 20 km right now, I think my butt would seize entirely, leaving me to pull myself along the ground with my hands, dragging my frozen lower half along behind me. And that just can't be good for the baby. :)
1 comment:
My jeans did not chafe, as you predicted, and my backpack was of a perfectly serviceable size thank you very much!
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