Saturday, April 22, 2006

We are the Falcons - super cool

So in a couple of weeks, my sisters and I are going to undertake our yearly charity walk, raising money for Kids Help Phone. I got into a few years ago because I could see the adolescent girls in my research studies using the service and really believe it is important. The downside, of course, is that Bell has umbrella'd this service and I hate Bell and there's no way to support Kids Help Phone without Bell being involved. Hence, the walk is called the Bell Walk for Kids. But I'm not going to let Bell's corporate bullshit keep me from feeling good about the cause and my efforts.

Here is a picture of me and my sisters at last year's walk with our team tees.

Notice our awesome mascot - a ferocious tiger. It's a sister thing. Anyway, the really exciting news is that my mom may join team Falcon this year as she is in town on the day of the walk! Yeah MOM!!!!

Anyway, copying my sister's idea, feel free to click the link below to sponsor me on my walk. Remember, I'll be pregnant and dragging my tired ass along the 5km trail. I know, it's not that long, but considering I have been unable to walk Buddy for more than 45 minutes without resting, it could be trouble. Plus last year we missed out on all the treats so I may not even have sugary sustenance to help me through!! See how I suffer?? Don't you want to donate???

Plus I have to thank my friend Theresa for her pledge and my aunt Mae and cousin Corinne who not only pledged me but I hit them up first so I get the score over my sisters - awesome!

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