Sunday, February 26, 2006

Thank god for the pronunciation guide

Main Entry: pan·a·cea
Pronunciation: "pa-n&-'sE-&
Function: noun
Etymology: Latin, from Greek panakeia, from panakEs all-healing, from pan- + akos remedy: a remedy for all ills or difficulties : CURE-ALL- pan·a·ce·an /-'sE-&n/ adjective

So I have recently discovered that the Merrill-Webster online dictionary offers a pronunciation guide - not just the - and ' stuff that tells you where the emphasis is but an actual recording of a voice saying the word. This has been fantastic for me. There are several words that I learned to pronounce wrong in my younger years that I still mess up. Mandala, preflackadaisicalsical. And then there are some words that I know from reading but have never said them out loud because I'm not sure how they are pronounced. So I can now use "panacea" freely, which is awesome because it's a useful word. God bless the internet. I don't know what people ever did before.

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