So I went to my parent's cottage this weekend for a lovely break and of course, Buddy came with. Unlike most dogs, Buddy is not a huge fan of the cottage. Aside from the smell of the rabbits and the heart-wrenching closeness of the wooded hill behind the cottage, Buddy finds it somewhat stressful because he's not allowed to be on the furniture and the open floor plan means there's no contained little spot like his room at home to call his own. Nonetheless, he seems to adjust somehow. Despite our efforts to keep him off the furniture, he often sneaks up to sleep on the bed that Mark and I use at the cottage. We shoo him when we find him but it's an out of the way room so we don't usually see him. As a result, he doesn't take this admonishment too seriously and seems to think the bed is his to lie on.
So the other night I was chatting with my dad and was sitting on a daybed in the room adjacent to the bedroom. Buddy happened along and, seeing me sitting there, decided to join me. Up he hopped and immediately I shooed him off. He just sort of looked at me, gave me the dog version of a shrugged and hopped off and headed ever so nonchalantly to the bedroom, as if to say: "It's no big, I've got a bed to lie on in here." Cheeky monkey!
Buddy was loving the beach this trip. The beach is back and forth with Buddy. In the summer, the sand gets too hot and burns his paws, plus he doesn't like the look of the waves and often barks at them. But the beach in winter he really likes. Ice builds up along the shore providing all kinds of crevices to explore. And on this particular trip, lots of little dead fish. Sometimes buried in the snow, sometimes gleaming on a little pile of ice as if it was a display case in the grocery store. At first he just sniffed them, then he tried to nibble them, then he tried to pick them up and take them with him. I managed to foil him every time but yikes, gross gross gross. You gotta love dogs.