Ah, I love January. Fresh start. I'm a total sucker for it. We already have taken every shred of Christmas down to the storage locker and are making plans for what we would like to be different this year. A major theme for Mark and I is "quality of life" this year. Which means that I have made the monumental decision to change my dissertation topic from a socially conscious participatory action research project designed to empower women and challenge the patriarchal power structure to instead doing a few one-on-one interviews. I'm actually a bit disappointed about it but I am also excited to perhaps actually finish my degree on time. Woo hoo!
I have also made resolutions. Instead of the Bridget Jones route ("obviously, will lose 20 pounds"), I have decided to make 2 smaller, more realistic resolutions:
1) Will not buy anymore magazines, books, videos etc. on any of the following - pregnancy, labour and delivery, infant care, child care, parenting, child discipline, further your child's intellectual development through stimulating play - until actually pregnant and even then will practice discretion with purchases
2) Will blog 1-2 a week and not let weeks go by with no entry or with very lame entry
Keeping on the New Year's theme, my sister Jill told me that she was at a party on NYE and saw the full "Trapped in the Closet" masterpiece by R. Kelly. She described as being extremely funny and puts her money on a cult following developing in the next few years. I also made a discovery today of something that the artist is dead serious about but is in actuality a piece of unintentional comic gold. It's Kevin Federline's website (
www.kevinfederline.com). It has a wonderful opening montage of clips from tabloids while he raps/warns "Keep messin' with my family and you're through." It also has a small clip of his single PopoZao, which apparently no label would come near with a ten foot pole but you can buy through Yahoo music. Plus Kevin displays his wit and skill as a writer as he introduces himself to us, his adoring public:
Hey Everyone,I don't think we've ever been formally introduced. My name is Kevin Federline. I'm 6 feet tall, have brown hair and brown eyes. I enjoy horseback riding, long walks on the beach and the wind whipping through my hair. Ha ha ha. On a more serious note, there's going to be a lot more information and updates on here in the coming weeks and I think this will provide you with the opportunity to get to know who I really am. Anyway, thanks for checking out my site and be sure to come back often. You can click here to join my email list and also check me out on MySpace. Kevin
Oh K-Fed!