Monday, July 31, 2006

Not looking for a peanut gallery

Well, I have decided to turn off the comments option on my blog. For a while I was being irritated by this person who kept arguing with my interpretations of sexism in the world at large. And that is this person's prerogative but it is my prerogative not to engage in such conversations on my blog. I have to defend myself enough in real life, I have no patience for doing it on my blog. And I just don't get people who find blogs that piss them off and read them and argue with the author. Just move on to the next blog if you don't like it. I don't spend my time reading ultra-conservative blogs and writing scathing comments. If you don't like my politics, don't read my blog. Simple. Plus it pisses me off because the people leaving these sorts of comments always do it anonymously. So irritating. Let me see your name so I can go to your blog and see what it is you believe in.

Anyway, after that I moved comments onto moderation, which allowed me to preview them before allowing them to appear on my blog. And it's been quiet for a while so I turned moderation off, thinking that it would be okay. And within three days I got a snotty comment, anonymously posted of course. So I've just turned them off altogether. If you want to leave comments, let me know, and I'll put you on my allowed commentators list. Otherwise, you'll just have to keep your witty responses to yourself.

In other news, poor Buddy got stung by a bee. It was the first time he's ever been stung. He was walking through some longish grass and a bee got caught up in his leg fur. He got stung on his ankle. Of course he promptly ate the bee and then pulled out all the hair around the sting so that he has a little bald patch. But he wasn't allergic and recovered within a few minutes. But I was having a very stressful couple of days and it was just one too many things for me to be able to handle and I had a little bit of a meltdown. It took me longer to recover than it did Buddy but we're both okay now.

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