So the Alanis parody of My Humps is everywhere (if you haven’t seen it, it’s here: And it is very very funny. I love Alanis. I dug her since Jagged Little Pill came out, even though at times she’s been a bit of a closet love of mine. But this makes me love her even more. That said, the funniest thing is not the video but the thousands of comments attached to it. I’ve posted a few of my favourites below (all of them are as they appeared, enjoy the spelling and grammar).
First we have the people who love Fergie and/or don’t understand the concept of a parody. Interestingly, many of these people posted over and over again (move on people, move on).
agcc90 (5 hours ago)
SHIT SHIT SHITplease dont hear this video watch my humps(BEP), london bridge, fergalicious, glamorous, big girls dont cryPLEASEEE
movkit (6 hours ago)
It's funny because Alanis is a horse faced fugly woman with no body to speak of. She is fugly and old. Her voice is like a nasal sounding wanna be folk singer.She tried to be the sexy artist and didn't sell.Fergie has what she wants - A career and attention, an a man. Alanis is a jealous bitter ugly old hag whose career is over after she can't be sexy when she did try it. Loser.
Then there are those who hate the video because it fails to reach their standards of obscurity.
mremeet (6 hours ago)
Lets face it people, musisians are flaky self aborbed pretencious people i dont enjoy either styles fergies is crap but alongface moreorless is equally self absorbed in an artsy fartsy depressing kind of way if i want to listen to good music i search for obscurity because most musicians that become really famous are generic watered down music for everyone bands which usaully equates to crap
The people who like Alanis but seemed to have missed the point.
luve4 (2 hours ago)
oh my god!!!Alanis has hit bottom...She's copying Fergie so someone will notice that she exists...I want the "You Oughta know age back..Poor Alanisp.s. i do agree that this video i far from funny[sorry]
yankeesgrl2452 (2 hours ago)
this is INCREDIBLE.the song sounds extremely depresssing but then the video is like..grinding and sex so its a little weird but i love it haha
Those who love the video and have offered us their analysis of its meaning and purpose.
aerialrose (2 hours ago)
Haha! Thank you for pointing out the assinine lyrics and tearing up the suburban wanna-be ghetto "Bootylicious" crowd. Shallow, meaningless, diva bubble gum pop has been a plague on this nation's radios for far too long. Thank you for exposing the useless, brainless bimbos for what they are. How about we get the DJs to start playing some real music, with lyrical depth and harmony now? Something that would transcend sell-out sex/glitter/bling-bling marketing? You have my support. =)
kitkatmonk (1 hour ago)
only a Canadian could see through the morass of endemic American consumerism and make it funny.... brilliant and sad at the same time.
GhuqueYou (6 hours ago)
This just couldn't be any more f'ing great. It is so fantastic to see someone ripping that ridiculous f'ing song and those ridiculous people who insist on pushing such crap on the world. I just can't believe the wanton stupidity in people who swallow that Fergie-esque shite.
Finally, there are those who love George Bush
fruticetum (2 days ago)
I think George Bush is probably one of the top five presidents. He has won two wars, he's erased the Clinton deficit, and nominated excellent conservative Supreme Court Justices. He's bringing democracy to Iraq, and has held to his principles regardless of political ramifications. That spells 'leader' to me.