Well, I've kind of been sucking with the blogging. It seems like since I've been pregnant, my creativity has flown the coop. This is mostly just cause I'm tired and headachy a lot of the time. I'm heading for a massage this week that I'm hoping will help. I also have some pictures to scan for some good feminist ranting but my scanner is busted at the moment so they are back logging, waiting to be released into the world, enhanced by the genius of my analysis!
In the meantime, I have been watching the May sweeps. And what a sweeps it has not been. My regular shows got so sucky, I stopped tuning into them several weeks before they actually ended. And the soaps! So bad! In part, I think this is partly because I've largely stopped watching soap operas and so when I catch them once every couple of weeks, I'm not very invested. But even still, they've been horrible. I can't believe how boring a sweeps month it is. A couple of my shows had good endings, mostly because of awesome romantic subplots coming to fruition. Gilmore Girls, which has had the worst season ever (read in Comic Book Guy voice) redeemed itself by Lorelei hooking up with Christopher at the very end. And the Office, which has rocked all season, also ended with a good romantic hook-up between Jim and Pam. Oh and Veronica and Logan finally figured it out on Veronica Mars. I guess I should have put a spoiler warning on this but oh well.
The worst of the worst thought, had to be the "series finale" (apparently the series isn't actually ending) of 7th Heaven. Now I hear what you're saying. If I'm going to watch 7th Heaven, I have to expect a great deal of suckage and cheesiness. But honestly, all of the married kids all being pregnant and all having twins? Vomitous. Seriously. It was impressive that they got Jessica Biel to come back though. I had thought she was all Shannon Doherty and would never set foot on the set again. But given how her movie career has failed to flourish, she really can't afford to say no. Besides, she never had that Doherty edge to her. Not cold crazy enough. Shannon Doherty, man, she'll cut you.